Portfolio Investments

Truly diversified and robust portfolios don't just come from one investment product, but from many. We help you get access to these products.

Explore all the options for your portfolio

Our team is dedicated to delivering the best in financial planning and our ability to leverage preferred rates from our partners ensures you greater results for less.
Disclosures & Disclaimers
¹ All private securities offered by Monic Financial Group are provided through our sponsoring firm Rethink and Diversify Securities Inc., a registered Exempt Market Dealer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Ontario. The contents contained within this website is not intended to assist you in making any investment decision regarding the purchase of securities and is intended for informational purposes only.

² Our strategic partnerships with our portfolio managers are offered through our sponsoring firm Rethink & Diversify. Compliance regulations apply for our portfolio managers and any information obtained regarding our partners, while obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable, is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and confers no right to potential investors. The information contained on this site does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities. The contents within this website are for informational purposes only and does not constitute advice or is intended to assist you in making investment decisions regarding the purchase of securities – Monic Financial Group Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any misrepresentations that may be contained within the communications provided by our strategic partners.


If you have a goal, we will find the right way

We're here to support and advise you throughout your entire financial journey. We will be with you every step of the way on the path to achieve your goals.
The contents of the information contained within this site, while obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable, is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and confers no right to investors. The information contained on this site does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities. The contents within this website are for informational purposes only and does not constitute advice or is intended to assist you in making investment decisions regarding the purchase of securities. You should not act on any information provided from this website without seeking professional advice.

Monic Financial Group Ltd. can only provide the products and services contained in this webpage to areas that are legally permitted at that time. There is no intention for Monic Financial Group Ltd. to provide information on these pages to persons or organizations who are in or reside in areas where laws/regulations restrict Monic Financial Group Ltd. from distributing such information. Further, while there may be updates, posts, and content added to the website, Monic Financial Group Ltd. is not obligated to continually update existing content or inform visitors of changes made.